




Year of Foundation

About us

Fundación CARTIF is a leading Spanish Applied Research Centre in R&D and technology transfer activities created in 1994. It is formed by 200 researchers. CARTIF’s mission is to offer innovative solutions to companies to improve their processes, systems and products, increase their competitiveness and create new business opportunities. CARTIF develops Research and Development (R&D) projects, directly funded by companies or public funds raised through competitive calls at national and international levels.

More about us

CARTIF also advises public authorities (municipalities and regional governments) in developing innovative projects with high economic returns. The main fields of activity are Industrial and Digital Systems, Energy and Agri-food and Processes. CARTIF participation in international activities has been materialized in the current participation in 73 ongoing international projects, including 55 H2020 continuing projects (9 as coordinator), 10 LIFE projects (5 as coordinator), 4 POCTEP, 2 CYTED and 1 Interreg project.

Role in the Project

CARTIF is involved in two main tasks. In the first one, CARTIF collaborates with LINK, AUVASA and AVa in the definition of a meaningful bus driving cycle in the city of Valladolid. For this, sensors will be integrated in several buses to monitor speed and braking pattern, among others. In the second, CARTIF will participate in the particle measurement campaigns that will take place in the AUVASA bus depot. Both tailpipe particulate emissions and brake emissions of buses leaving the depot and returning from service will be measured to assess, for example, the effect of temperature on brake emissions. CARTIF will carry out detailed studies for 12 months in total, including even ultra-fine particle measurements. Laboratory-scale measurements on a dynamometer will complement the field measurements in the garage.


Carlos Casado

+34 983 546 504