Det Nationale Forskningscenter Forarbejdsmiljo (NFA)






Year of Foundation

About us

NRCWE is a government research institute under the Danish Ministry of Employment performing research in occupational health and safety. NRCWE’s goal is to generate and disseminate knowledge contributing to a safe, healthy work environment in accordance with the technical and social developments in Danish society. NRCWE contributes to securing coordination of Danish work environment research and monitors national and international work environment development and research. The annual budget is 13 million EUR and NRCWE currently has a total staff of ca. 150. The chemical work environment staff is one of NFA’s strategic research areas and has a staff of ca. 35 persons.

Role in the Project

NFA leads the overall sustainability assessment of the AeroSolfd products and contributes to the specific release and occupational exposure measurements before and after intervention with AeroSolfD solutions. NFA contributes specifically as an expert in risk governance, risk assessment, occupational exposure measurement and assessment, hazard assessment using in vivo and human particle toxicological (nanoparticles, diesel exhaust particles, and other combustion-derived particles). Furthermore, NFA contributes with its expertise in social aspects of emissions.


Prof. Keld Alstrup Jensen

+45 39 16 53 02